CCRA: The Certified Commercial Recovery Agent (CCRA) National Certification Program is the first and only comprehensive training program for the commercial recovery agent authored by Mark Lacek of Commercial Asset Solutions of Florida and offered through RISC (Recovery Industry Services Company).

Recovery Database Network: Recovery Solutions is powered by Recovery Database Network (RDN) which is a full-service repossession platform that allows us to electronically interface with clients and recovery agents in the field, instead of collections and asset managers spending days chasing down updates.
RDN allows us to provide up to the minute reporting to our clients. Lenders can be given sign on information so they can enter accounts directly, follow the progress of accounts or manage accounts online while they are assigned to us.
RDN is a highly secured environment that encrypts all data transfer, allows clients to implement dual factor authentication, implements standard to ensure security of all NPI and much more.
TEAMOur Trusted Partners
Contact Us
Recovery Solutions, LLC
78 Sixth Avenue SW #386
Forest Lake, MN 55025
Mon-Fri: 8AM – 7PM CST
Sat-Sun: 9AM – 12PM CST